Business Owners!

Do you want to get the word out about your products and services to our Bloom community?

Become a Bloom Recital Sponsor!

Price: $199

DEADLINE: FRIDAY, April 19, 2024 - closed

Our Recital Sponsors will receive:

Event Slide Show: Your logo, business name and website will be shown before and after each Recital show (one business shown per slide).

Posters and Programs: A QR code will direct visitors to the Recital Sponsors webpage listed on the Bloom website including your logo, business name and website link. This page will stay active during the months of May and June.

Social Media: You will be featured in Bloom Instagram and Facebook stories during all three Recital weekends.

Email: Following Recital, we will send an email to our Bloom parents thanking all sponsors (including your business name and website link).


We know people like to do business with others from their community, and we want to be a community that supports each other! Please feel free to share this advertising opportunity with your friends and family that are business owners. We anticipate having over 10,000 attendees over the course of our three recital weekends.

Thank you for considering becoming a Recital Sponsor. We are so thankful for our Bloom community!