Daddy/Daughter Dance
The Daddy/Daughter Dance is a beloved tradition at Bloom, giving Dads and their daughters a special opportunity to perform on stage together during the recital.
Participate in Spring Recital: Each dancer must be already participating in our 2025 Spring Recital.
Attendance: Dads and daughters must be able to attend ALL Studio Practices AND their assigned Dress Rehearsal. (This is to ensure that everyone who chooses to participate is prepared and confident for their performance.) Please see below for these important dates and times.
Registration Fee: $79 per Recital Show.
Daddy/Daughter Dance Registration Fees are non-refundable, so please make sure you are ready to commit before registering.
How to Register:
1) Determine your Recital Show Number: Review your Recital Schedule and make note of which Show Number your dancer is performing in, based on your studio location below:
Blondo Studio - Click to see Recital Times and Show Numbers
Elkhorn Studio - Click to see Recital Times and Show Numbers
Oakview Studio - Click to see Recital Times and Show Numbers
Valley Studio - Click to see Recital Times and Show Numbers
2) Log into your Account: Log into your Parent Portal and click on the “Register” button. Be sure that the DAD is listed as a student in your account. (If the dad is not currently a student in your account, click the “Add a Student” button.)
3) Register Online: Click on the “Daddy Daughter Dance 2025” tab at the top of the Registration area of your account. Then, select the corresponding Recital Show for Dad, and follow the prompts to complete your registration.
For our 2025 Spring Recital, there will be two practices at your studio location, plus a dress rehearsal on stage at The Garden Theater.
Dads and daughters are required to attend BOTH Studio Practices, as well as their assigned Dress Rehearsal. (Due to the growing interest in our Daddy/Daughter Dance, Bloom cannot accommodate exceptions to this policy.)
STUDIO PRACTICES: The two Studio Practices will take place on the following Saturday afternoons:
Saturday, April 12th (between 12:30 pm and 3:00 pm)
Saturday, April 19th (between 12:30 pm and 3:00 pm)
Specific Studio Practice times can be found on the colorgrid below. (Be sure you know the Show Number your dancer is performing in. Please see the above registration info for details about finding your Show Number.)
Note: All Blondo Recital Show Studio Practices will be held at our Oakview location.
DRESS REHEARSAL: Again this year, Dress Rehearsals for our Daddy/Daughter Dance Dress Rehearsal will take place on a Saturday in April! Please reserve on your calendar:
Saturday, April 26th (between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm)
Your exact dress rehearsal time will be visible in your parent portal (under Costumes) closer to the recital.
PERFORMANCE: Dads and daughters will perform on the same day and time as the dancers' recital show.
Important Details:
Practice Videos: A video of the entire Daddy/Daughter Dance will be available in your parent portal for Dads and daughters to practice with at home. ANY dad can do this — no dance training is required. We make sure to keep it easy and fun!
If Dad is Not Available: If your dancer’s Dad is not available to participate in the Daddy/Daughter Dance, they are welcome to invite their grandpa, uncle, guardian, close family friend, or any important man in their life to be their dance partner! Simply register them under your account in the same manner.
Dancers in Multiple Recital Shows: If your student is dancing in multiple recital performances, please register ONLY for the show in which they wish to perform the Daddy/Daughter Dance.
Families with Sibling Dancers: Families with sibling dancers have TWO options for how to participate in the Daddy/Daughter Dance:
Option 1: Sibling dancers are welcome to perform in the same Recital show together. Our stage space can accommodate up to three dancers per Dad. If you choose this option, please email with Dad’s name and the names of all dancers that you intend to have perform together.
Option 2: Sibling dancers are also welcome to perform in their own show with Dad. If you choose this option, you’ll simply need to register Dad for each Recital show.
Photo Opportunities: Our professional photographers will not be taking a group photo on the day of Dress Rehearsal. Instead, we will be offering families a photo booth opportunity for you to take your own photos. For those who still wish to have a Daddy/Daughter photo taken by our professional photographers, you are invited to attend your daughter’s class Dress Rehearsal in May. After your daughter has her class and individual photo taken, dads and daughters can take a photo together.
For Studio Practices:
DADS should wear exercise/athletic clothes (pants or shorts and a t-shirt) that they can easily move in.
DAUGHTERS should either wear their usual dance class attire OR wear exercise/athletic clothes (fitted pants or shorts and a t-shirt) that they can easily move in.
For Dress Rehearsals and Performance:
DADS should wear a nice button-down shirt, with dark pants and shoes. (Nice jeans are perfectly fine, as long as you can move in them.)
DAUGHTERS will wear their Recital costume. (If your daughter has multiple costumes, we will select the costume she will wear. Unfortunately, we cannot accomodate costume requests.)

Will there be a Daddy/Daughter Dance for the Cultivate Spring Show? No, there will not be a Daddy/Daughter Dance in our Cultivate Spring Show. (Cultivate dancers who wish to participate in the Daddy/Daughter Dance are encouraged to do so in the performance that corresponds to their age-based classes.)
What if I have multiple dancers (siblings) who want to dance together with Dad? Sibling dancers are welcome to perform in the same Recital show together! Our stage space can accommodate up to three dancers per Dad. Sibling dancers are also welcome to perform in their own show with Dad. See the above “Important Details” section for more information about how to register sibling dancers for the Daddy/Daughter Dance.
If my dancer is in multiple Recital Shows, how do I choose which show she does the Daddy/Daughter Dance in? If your student is dancing in multiple recital performances, please register ONLY for the show that they wish to perform the Daddy/Daughter Dance in. For example, many families will choose the show that the dancer has the most classes in OR the show that the majority of their family members will be attending.
Why does Bloom charge for the Daddy/Daughter Dance? The Daddy/Daughter Dance Registration Fee covers the expense of teaching staff, choreography, practices, dress rehearsals, and the overall administrative work required to put this opportunity together.
If you have questions about Bloom’s Daddy/Daughter Dance, please contact us at .